It is confirmed that the Bonanza will be held Auckland Anniversary weekend on Sunday 28 January 2024. TICKETS ON SALE NOW!!!! This iconic annual fishing competition on the glorious Matata Straights has been held every Auckland Anniversary Weekend since 1969. This fabulous summer tradition attracts surf fishers from all over NZ to the beautiful Bay of Plenty. It is limited to 1000 rods fishing 6:30am to 1pm only. There will again be Beach Wardens and competitors will need to take their fresh catch to a Warden for checking and tagging. Size and species restrictions for children have been brought into line with MOF rules. A huge thanks to our family of Bonanza sponsors. This event is only possible thanks to the generosity of our supporters and ticket sellers and we urge you to support them in return. Thanks also to the thousands of people who have competed in the last 54 Bonanzas. We look forward to welcoming returning and new entrants to the 55th Bonanza on Sunday 28 January 2024. |