Please use "SUBS" and your surname in the reference section when paying by internet banking so that the payment can be tracked.
Cash is payable at the AGM.
Subscriptions are due on 1 July 2023 and paid before 30 September 2023 to ensure continued membership. Once payment and the membership form have been received a receipt will be issued.
You must be a financial member (fees paid) to be eligible to vote at the August AGM.
Age Groups:
(as at 1 January 2023)
Smallfry Under 11 years of age
Junior Under 17 years of age
Men's 17 years of age up to and including 64 years of age
Ladies 17 years of age up to and including 59 years of age
Veteran Men's 65 years of age up to and including 69 years of age
Veteran Ladies 60 years of age up to and including 69 years of age
Golden Oldie 70 years and over
Transition of age group will occur if your birth date is between groups, for example, if you are 16 (Junior) as at 1 July of current year and then turn 17 prior to AGM, you will be moved to the next age group and your points will carry over.
Clubhouse Charges:
Members are entitled to own a key on payment of a bond after being a member for 12 months and having attended some club days / activities.
Members are entitled to make use of the club facilities at times other than official club weekends for holidays by payment of a donation, however, there is no guarantee of exclusive use of facilities.
Use of club facilities on official club days / weekends No charge
Members and immediate families at other times $5 per person per night
Extended families - financial member must be present $10 per person per night
Non-family - financial member must be present $15 per person per night
No charge for pre-school and school age children
Note - Discounted camp fees are only applicable to members who have attended two club activities in the previous 12 months prior to their stay, otherwise non-family member rates apply.
Member Responsibilities / Expectations:
Whilst it is acknowledged not all members are able to attend all club day / weekend activities throughout the year, it is expected that an effort should be made to attend at least some.
All members are urged to try and attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in August each year. An apology is expected if a member is unable to attend.
The annual club fundraiser, the Surf Fishing Bonanza, held on Auckland Anniversary weekend Sunday each year needs the support of all members either in a working capacity or at the very least by competing.